Clothing Record

Fall 2019 - Present

A longitudinal study of my aesthetic presentation.

Each day for the past two years, I write down the clothing that I wear into a spreadsheet. This sheet also analyzes the data to see totals of how many times I wore a specific garment over a given period of time. This project has developed many different meanings throughout its run. As clothing is a very material aspect of self-presentation, looking at the clothing I choose to wear and buy reveals some of the ways my self-presentation has changed. This is representative of the ways I interact with all my objects and the aesthetics that govern those interactions. More simply, this record also follows when I grew out of clothes and when I acquired new ones. Within the analysis of clothing, one encounters their class, body image, and overall aesthetic intersecting at a high level of facade.

This kind of data collection enables me to create visualizations. While traveling around europe in the summer of 2023, I recorded where I woke each day and organized it in the following infographic.


Sunken Form


Object a Week